Connecting people Working for justice.

Erica is a leading expert on dialogue, leadership & organizational change focused on social justice


Erica has spent her 15+ year career working with communities and organizations to build a more just society. As a Fulbright Scholar, Instructor at Harvard, Research Project Director at the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project, and in a multitude of other roles, she has convened and trained thousands of leaders, organizers and academics.

Critical Voice

Dialogue and interviews are key tools of Erica’s work. Her podcast, Untying Knots, has been featured on many best-of lists and is known in the field as a go-to for critical conversations with leaders from across the United States on their work to disrupt systemic oppression and forge new pathways in a range of sectors. Her Radio Show, Justified Nature, ran from 2012-2016 live on air in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and the United Kingdom.

Recent Publications

“The fight against antisemitism at Harvard shouldn’t come at the expense of DEI”

Op Ed in CNN

“A Call for Anti-Bias Education”

Feature in Learning for Justice Magazine

“5 ways that college campuses benefit from diversity, equity and inclusion programs”

The Conversation & Forthcoming Chapter from John Hopkins University Press

Connect with Erica

Erica is currently taking on consulting projects & exploring new full time roles as the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project transitions to Princeton University